User Guide

Before you start utilizing application, come basic settings needs to be defined for your site.

Site configuration is done by site administrator. These configurations are applicable for whole site and they are not project specific.

Site administrator is responsible for following tasks:

    • Manage user licenses
    • Maintains site configuration:
        • Configures site currency and site settings, add additional site administrators
        • Maintains company information
        • Maintains company organizational structure and assignment of manager roles
        • Maintains site related configuration such as various statuses
        • Maintains module related configuration: Projects, Tickets, Time & Travel, Communication, Scope, Risks and Finance
    • Creates new project and assign project manager to project
    • Creates partners (company’s suppliers or customers)
    • Creates new users (Site administrators are usually creating user ID’s for Project Managers. Project Managers are creating user ID’s for project team members)

Let’s assume you registered your site on Mavles, and you are site administrator. You have trial period of 30 days to get to know our application before you decide if out tool is right fit for you.

As site administrator you will need to assure following before inviting project managers to site:

  1. Site Configuration -> General -> Site Settings: Maintain site country and site currency (currency should be your reporting currency. Please note that this could be different from your local currency)
  2. Site Configuration -> General -> Company: Define Company organizational structure (relevant for projects)
  3. Site Configuration -> General -> Calendar: Define for your country working time and public holidays. You will need to maintain holidays every year if dates changes from year to year.
  4. You want to invite your colleague Project Manager to Mavles site:

Site Configuration -> User Administration -> Create User

Please note that:

    • only company users can be assigned as project managers
    • assign user name to project manager. It is advised to create username policy related to creating user names on the site since username is not changeable after saving data. (example: for user Betty Boop, user name could be: BBoop, betty.boop, b.boop…Next step is to create project: Site Configuration -> Projects -> Create Project: give name to project and assign project manager.
  1. If you would like to invite some external partners to site, you will need to create partner first: Site Configuration -> Projects -> Create Partner: maintain partners general information.
  2. Module configuration should be done together with Project managers

As project manager, first step is to define project and release it. If project is not released, it can not be used in modules.

  1. Projects -> Maintain project


 Now you should follow steps described in this user guide for modules which you would like to use.

In upper right corner of the screen, if you click on person icon, you can maintain your profile configuration. We have several features:

My profile

Here you can maintain your profile information and change your password.

User ID in Mavles is not changeable.

Next to contact information, you can also define organizational unit to which you belong to. This information is applicable only for company users and not guest users.

Rules and alerts

Based on your preferences, you can configure in Rules and Alerts, if you would like to receive notifications and/or emails for some features.

Some of notifications are configured on site level by site administrator, such as notifications related to timesheet, travel and vacation approval process.

Here you can define your own settings. Mavles can notify you if:

    1. process or process step status is changed in test case where you are assigned as tester. This could be general rule, but you can also specify concrete test case for which you want to be notified.
    2. ticket is changed where you are involved or where you mark ticked for follow up. This could be general rule, but you can also specify concrete ticket for which you want to be notified. If you do not check this option you will not receive emails and notification, when ticket in which you are involved or you follow, is changed or updated.
    3. change request is changed where you are involved in approval process. This could be general rule, but you can also specify concrete change request for which you want to be notified.

Default project

For your convenience, you can set up default project.

This will fill in selected project in selection screens.

Go to configuration -> Company information and licensing

Go to tab Company information: contains all general data related to your company, including current licensing plan, payment and billing history.

We use this information for billing, so please maintain them correctly. In section Invoicing, you can maintain information about contact person, phone number and email adress where invoices will be sent. If this information is not maintained, invoices will be sent to site administrator email address.

Mavles uses Stripe payment gateway for processing your payments and your data is encrypted and highly secured.

Logo in Header will add your company logo in up left corner of your Mavles site.
Logo in PDF files will add your company logo on pdf documents generated from Mavles.

Go to tab View/Change plan

Mavles is licensed per number of active users in a month.
Active users are site administrators, managers and other company and guest users assigned to at least one project with active validity period. This information is maintained by responsible project manager or site administrator. When user is assigned to project, project manager defines user validity period. If this period expires, user status is inactive for selected project and he can not access project in application. Project Manager can extend user validity at any time if needed. If user is active for one project and inactive for another, user can access project and data only for the project where his status is valid.

Here, you can see your current plan and information about current number of active company and guest users and maximum number of users you defined.
Below, you can select period and get full list of active users per period.

Site administrator can change plan. Click on Change plan button.
If your trial period is expired, only site administrator can access your site. If you decided to use Mavles application, you can set ‘Start billing from’ date as your start date for using Mavles tool.
You will be able to create new users for your site starting from this date.
At that time you can define maximum number of active company and guest users. Please note that when this maximum number of users is reached, you will not be able to create new user until maximum number is changed. You need to contact site administrator and agree on approach if you need to increase your budget and maximum number of users, or do a sanity check and review if some of existing users can be blocked or deactivated.
You can cancel your subscription at any time. We will set up billing date as first date of next month, and set number of maximum users to 0. As of that date only site administrator will be able to access application for period of 6 months.
After 6 months, we will delete your site and all data on your site.

Go to tab Billing history

At the end of each monthly billing cycle, you will be billed based on the exact number of active users you have had in the period. Monthly bills are payable by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, or American Express).

Serbian companies are executing payment via bank transfers.

In Mavles we have two types of users:

  1. Guests are users from Partner companies like suppliers or customers.
  2. Company users
      • Site administrators – manages user licences. Configure Mavles site. Create user ID’s for project managers. Create new projects and assign project manager. Create partners. They have authorisations to perform all activities in Mavles.
      • Project Managers – manage projects for which they are responsible. They create users for their projects, define project teams and assign team members. Project managers have authorisations for all activities on their projects. Only company users can be defined as project managers.
      • Managers – executives defined by site administrator and assigned to organisational unit for which they are responsible. They can view dashboards of projects which are assigned to same organisational unit or units below.
      • Users or team members.

Go to Configuration -> User list


User list provides two reports:

  1. List of all users created in Mavles with their contact data and also status if user is active in at least one project
  2. User status per project shows list of projects for which user is created as well as validity per project and last billing and cost rates.


Go to Configuration -> Create user


In Mavles, users are created only by site administrator or by responsible project manager. When user is created, he gets email notification about username and password. At that time, he will be able to log on site but will not be able to access any data on site until responsible project manager assigns him/her to concrete project and team. After assignment, user receives email notification about assignment, and he can assess Mavles application based on authorization given by project manager.

When creating new user ID, we need to choose if new user is guest user (partner) or company user.  If user is a guest user, he must be assigned to specific Partner. Before creating new guest user, it is necessary to create Partner. Partners are created by site administrators.

It is advised to create username policy related to creating user names on the site since username is not changeable after saving data. (example: for user Betty Boop, user name could be: BBoop, betty.boop, b.boop…).

Next to contact information, for company users you can also assign user to organizational unit to which user belongs to. This is applicable only for company users and not guest users. This will allow manager of user to approve Time & Travel requests if defined by site administrator and view reports related to user performance.

In General configuration we can configure site settings, statuses, company organization and calendar.

Go to Configuration -> General section -> Site settings

First we have to define Site Currency. You need to define site currency before creating any project in Mavles. Currency defined in this section will apply for all projects created on your site. We strongly recommend using company reporting currency as currency defined for site. All reports and data will be presented in company currency. Currency can be changed later, but please note that financial data will not be converted!!! We do not recommend currency change in later stage of using Mavles.

Under section, Site administrators, you can add additional site administrators or delete existing. Site administrator is created during Mavles subdomain registration but you can add unlimited number of site administrators. Please bear in mind that only company users are defined as site administrators and that site administrator has access to all data on your site.

Go to Configuration -> General section -> Statuses

Next to site settings, under General Configuration, you can maintain various statuses in Mavles modules.
For majority of functionalities they are predefined and can not be changed, but in few like risks, task and test cases, you can add new statuses.
For example, Mavles defined 3 statuses for tasks: open, in progress and completed.
These statuses can not be deleted, but you can mark them as inactive and it will not be shown in future as a dropdown selection when using application.
In this case you can add new status.
For newly created statuses, you need to mark them as active in order to be shown as a selection in dropdown lists.
Please note that added status cannot be deleted if there is data with defined status in application.
For each status (predefined or newly created) you can provide additional explanation that suits your company needs.

Go to Configuration -> General section -> Company

Go to tab Organizational units. Here, you can define organizational structure of your company in several levels. First level is always your site, second level is related to country, and we provide 4 additional levels that could represent roughly your organizational structure.

Main purpose of this section is to have possibility to assign projects to specific organizational level and allow managers (which are not project team members) to review project reports.

Now, when organizational units are created go to tab Manager authorisations. Here, we can assign manager to organizational unit for which they are responsible for and for which they could approve Time & Travel requests. Please note that these requests are approved by responsible project managers and, this enablement is optional.

Go to Configuration -> General section -> Calendar

For your site you can define Calendar for each country in which your company operates.
In calendar you specify:

  • working time (work week and work hours) and
  • public holidays.

This information is used in user’s timesheets.

For public holidays it will not be required to enter time in your timesheets. If calendar is not maintained in site configuration, users will have to enter manually hours on public holidays (as non project category).
If public holiday is repeated on same date every year, you can mark this holiday as a reccuring entry.
Next to timesheets, calendar is also used in project schedule.

Go to Configuration -> Project -> Create project

New projects are always created by site administrator.

Site administrator is defining project name and assigning project manager.

Prerequisite for this step is to create user ID for project manager.

After this step, project manager can maintain project information.

Initially, project status is set on planning which means that only project manager can view this project in project module.

Upon maintaining project with all information needed and assigning users to project, project is released by responsible project manager. Only released projects can be accessible by assigned project team.

Only here projects can be deleted by site administrator. Please note that this action is inversible and all project data is deleted.


Go to Configuration -> Project -> Create partner

New partners are always created by site administrator.

Partner information is maintained due to following reasons:

  • Assigning guest users for corresponding partners (customers and suppliers)
  • Assigning planned invoices to corresponding partners in Finance module

Partners should be unique for site and VAT no. should be unique identifier. Mavles is validating if entry in this field is unique.

Guest users cannot be created without Partner information.

Go to Configuration -> Module -> Configure projects

You can define here project types and project category based on your company needs. This information can be used for project portfolio reporting purposes.
When marked as ‘active’, project type or category will be shown in dropdown lists when maintaining project in Projects module. Please note that you cannot delete entries if there is data with these entries. You can only uncheck ‘active’ box and project managers, while maintaining project, will not be able to select this option.

Go to tab Archive Project
When completed and project information is not needed anymore, projects and project data can be archived. When project is set in this status here in Configuration or in Project module by Project manager, users will not be able to search and view archived projects and project data. Only in Project module, project managers could view archived project definition.

If needed, projects can be restored by site administrator or project manager.

Project data can be deleted permanently from your Mavles site by site administrator.

Projects can be migrated to another Mavles site. Services of migration are performed by our experts and charged separately. For migration, please contact Mavles support by email: [email protected].


Go to Configuration -> Module ->Configure tickets

Site Administrator can configure following:Ticket types,Ticket category, Priority, Closing ID, Assigned groups and Environment.

Go to tab Ticket types.
Ticket types can be configured to distinguish different classification of tickets. Mavles comes with several default entries: Question, Incident, Problem, Service Request and Change Request.
For each entry you are configuring, you can add additional explanation for users. As mentioned before, when marked as ‘active’, entries will be shown in dropdown lists.

Go to tab Ticket category.
Ticket categories are used to help users to specify the area with which they need help.
Here, site administrator can configure category hierarchy in tree levels by simple branching of items in each level.

Go to tab Ticket priority.
Mavles comes with predefined matrix for defining ticket priority. Site administrator is allowed to configure impact and urgency short description, but matrix statuses cannot be changed.

Go to tab Closing ID.
Closing ID is mandatory entry when closing tickets and ticket status is changed to Closed.
Mavles comes with 2 default entries: successfully tested and workaround accepted. Site administrator can configure Closing ID based on your company needs.

Go to tab Assigned Group.
Next to assigned user, ticket can be allocated also to Assigned group. Here we define group name and email recipients. We can define group email and/or individual emails. When new ticket is created or ticket status changed, email is sent to email addresses defined in this section.
Assigned group can be changed at any time.
You can delete assigned group only if there are no items related to the group, but you can mark the group as inactive.

Go to tab Environment.
Environment refers on system environment for which incident is submitted (for example: development, test or productive).


Go to Configuration -> Module ->Configure Time&Travel

Go to tab Non-project categories. In Mavles, you can record workingtime related to project activities, but, you can likewise configure Non Project Categories for your company users. For example: administration, presales, sick leave, holidays, and others. Time recorded on these categories is not subject of approval.
Mavles comes with defaulted entry for Vacation, since this is integrated with approved vacation requests.
Non project categories can be marked as productive if they have impact on team productivity. You can configure non project categories based on your company needs.

Go to tab Timesheets.
Site administrator can enable approval process when submitting user timesheets. This means that timesheets will have to be approved by responsible project manager. Timesheets are approved only for projects. If user time was allocated on several projects, timesheets will be distributed to all responsible project managers for approval.

In timesheets configuration, you can also define:

  • Approval frequency: monthly, weekly or daily approval.
  • Minimum time that can be entered in timesheet.
  • Minimum number of hours that have to be recorded per day. Timesheets that do not have minimum required hours cannot be released for approval.
  • You can allow overtime, weekend and holiday work. This configuration will allow users to record time over minimum working hours per day, time during holidays defined in calendar and time during weekends. Please note that this setting could have impact on your project costs and user productivity.


  • When approval process is enabled, emails are sent when submitting and approving timesheet.
  • You can also configure if you would like to receive notifications instead of emails when timesheets are submitted, approved or rejected by selecting checkboxes. Each user will receive notification in right upper corner of screen.
  • Finally, you can require comment from project manager when timesheet is rejected. User will receive rejection reason in email.Go to tab Expenses.
    In Expenses configuration you can enable approval process. Like in timesheets, same settings can be applied for expense approvals.

    Go to tab Travel cost types.
    Travel cost types can be configured to distinguish different classification of travel costs. Mavles comes with default entries such as hotel, taxi, train, rent-a-car, airplane, bus, daily allowance, parking, toll, fuel and other costs. You can configure additional travel cost types. Here, you can also define if attaching receipts is mandatory when submitting your travel expenses.

    Go to tab Expense types.
    Expense types can be configured to distinguish different classification of project expenses. Mavles comes with several default entries: Business lunch or dinner, taxi, fuel, parking and other.
    Here you can also define if attaching receipts is mandatory when submitting your expense.

    Go to tab Vacation.
    In Vacation configuration you can enable approval process same like in timesheets and expenses.


Go to Configuration -> Module ->Configure Communication

Here, you can enable email notification for Tasks, Meetings and Status reports.

Go to tab Meeting types.
Mavles comes with two meeting types: Meetings and Workshops.
You can configure additional meeting types if required.


Go to Configuration -> Module ->Configure Scope
In scope module you can configure Change Request types to distinguish different classification of change requests.
Mavles comes with 2 default entries: Hardware and Software. You can configure additional change request types based on your company needs.


Go to Configuration -> Module ->Configure Finance

Go to tab Categories.
Mavles comes with predefined categories related to reporting: change requests (from scope module), risks (from risk module), travel expenses, expenses and time sheets (from time&travel module).
You can define additional budget categories such as team incentives or some other costs or revenue types.

Go to tab Planning intervals.
For all your project you can define planning intervals (weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly).
By default monthly planning intervals are defined.


Go to Configuration -> Module ->Configure Risks

Risk types can be configured in order to distinguish different classification of risks. Mavles comes with 5 default entries: Management support, Schedule, Scope, Performance and Risks.
If required, you can configure additional risk types.



Go to Projects ->Dashboard

Project dashboard can be viewed by project managers for his projects and by managers for projects assigned to their organizational unit.

Dashboard is showing data for only one selected project.

You can specify concrete test and training cycle. If these are not selected, report will show result for all active cycles.

In order to get information about budgeted and actual revenue, expenses and profit, you need to maintain Budget and actuals in Finance module. Same applies for invoices.


Go to Projects -> My projects

Here, we see list of all projects where you are project manager, resource manager or you are assigned as team member.

Go to Projects -> My projects -> Maintain Project

Before Project Manager can access and define project, project needs to be created by site administrator and assigned to project manager.
After this step is done, project manager can start maintaining project.

Project maintenance is allowed only for site administrator, project managers and their substitutes. Other users will only see list of projects. You can maintain:

      • General Project information, status and modules for which project is activated
      • Project teams
      • Project roles
      • Assign team members to project
      • Activate Service Level Agreement (SLA) response and resolution time
      • Activate Change request process

Go to tab Project data

All projects are initially created by site administrator. Site administrator is assigning project manager to a project. Only for this step, project manager is allowed to maintain project for which he is responsible.

Here, you can maintain following:

      • Project types and Project categories are defined by site administrator based on your company needs.
      • Projects can be assigned to organizational unit of your company which responsible for project execution. For each organizational unit, site administrator can define responsible manager. This assignment can have 2 functions: allow managers to view all project related reports and allow unit managers to approve Time & Travel requests. Please notice that managers of organizational unit can also see reports for lower organizational levels. For example: Country manager can see reports related to all projects assigned to county x. Manager of organizational unit on 2nd level can see all reports on project assigned to levels below.
      • Project name is already entered by site administrator. If needed, you can change project name.
      • If required, you can enter additional Project description.
      • When project is created, it is by default in planning status. While project is in planning status, project is not visible for users and users cannot assign their activities to this project. Project manager needs to release the project in order to activate it and make it visible for users. When all project activities are finalized and it is not expected to assign any new objects to project, project managers can change project status to completed. At this point, all project data can be viewed but not modified. Finally, projects and project data can be archived by project manager, and they will not be visible for users. If needed, project managers can restore archived projects.
      • Projects can be deleted only by site administrator.
      • You can also append Attachments as project information such as offer, contract and other relevant information. Please note that max file size is 20MB
      • You can activate your project for modules by selecting check boxes next to modules. Project will be seen only in modules which you activated. You can change this at any time.

Go to tab Teams or Project roles

Project manager can define project teams and project roles based on project organization.
Enter team name and team description if required.
Mark team as active. If team is not marked as active, it will not be visible for selection. Create as many teams as you require for your project.

Please note that this definition doesn’t affect user authorizations in Mavles, and it is  used for reporting purposes only.

You need to define at least one project team and one project role in every project.


Go to tab Assign team member

After project information and project teams and roles are defined, project manager can assign users to his project. Prerequisite for this action is that users are created in Mavles. Please note that if you do not see new users you created in the dropdown list, you need to refresh page.

For each user on project, project manager can define his validity period for the project. After this date is expired, user will not be able to perform activities related to this project. Validity can be extended any time by project manager.

Project manager can assign substitute project manager by marking this option. Substitute project manager will have all authorizations same as project manager.

Finally, users are assigned to modules and activities which they can access and use for this project. By default, Mavles defines user authorizations for basic module functionalities. If you want to permit more user rights, you can mark checkboxes for additional activities.

For each user you can define hourly rates, both billing and cost. These rates are used when calculating project cost and revenues (budget and actual) in Finance module. You can also define different rates for different periods. Please note that periods can not overlap, and rates can be defined in any time during project execution.


Go to tab SLA

You can choose to activate Service Level Agreement for your project. You can activate and deactivate SLA at any time.
Based on your agreement with clients, you can configure Service Level Agreement and define following:

  • How response and resolution time is measured. Select minutes, hours or days.
  • Define if resolution time is calculated based on ticket status Resolved or Closed. Resolved means that solution is delivered for testing.
  • Define if resolution time is calculated from moment when ticket is created or when ticket is accepted.
  • Define if response and resolution time is calculated only during business hours or 24 hours a day. You can also define business hours.
  • If response and resolution time is not measured while ticket is in on-hold status, select this option.
  • Finally, project manager maintains response and resolution times based on ticket priority. Mavles comes with predefined matrix for defining ticket priority.
    User is allowed only to change impact and urgency additional description.

Go to Projects ->Project report

For each project and reporting period you can generate comprehensive project status report which provides information on multiple project areas.

Report represent status for defined period. You can create new or copy existing report. Copy function will significantly reduce efforts of project report maintenance.

In project identification section, you can specify period for which project report is created.
Below you can define overall status on each area with traffic lights.

  • Green light means that there are no open issues in the area and risks to the project from this area are minimal.
  • Yellow light means that there are open problems or issues either awaiting resolution or under corrective action. The risks to the project from this area are moderate.
  • Red light means that there are significant problems or issues either awaiting resolution or under corrective action that will jeopardize the overall success of the project. Serious corrective action must be taken immediately.

If traffic light is yellow or red, you need to enter comment for area.

You can decide if you would like to report on all areas or selected only relevant areas by clicking check box next to area name.


Below overall status, you can specify in detail, status of each area you selected. For some areas, like Milestone plan, Deliverable plan, Change requests, Risk management, Quality management and Project finances, you can choose to copy information from scope, scheduling, risks and finance module. If you prefer, you can choose to maintain this information manually regardless of information in other modules.

When you maintained all relevant information, and select areas on which you would like to report, you can export report in PDF file.
Since Project report is viewed and maintained only by Project manager, you can distribute pdf file to interested parties.
Please note that only selected areas will be shown in pdf file.


Ticket module enables simplified incident and problem management per project or the entire enterprise.

It is integrated with Testing module, and it can be used in various testing cycles and defect management. It will boost up testing progress, and you can finally forget about managing defect in spread sheets.

Before you start utilizing ticketing module, first some basic configuration needs to be completed by:

  1. Site administrator – configures cross project objects such as ticket types, ticket categories, ticked closing identification and Assigned groups (email recipients). For additional information you can see Module Configuration.
  2. Project Manager – activates Service Level Agreement and defines the level of service expected by a customer, laying out the metrics by which that service is measured. In our case, these are ticket response and resolution time. For additional information you can see under Projects maintenance.


Go to Tickets -> Dashboard

Mavles provides out of the box dashboard related to ticket management.

Reports can be filtered based on various criteria: Project status, Project ID, Ticket status, Priority, Assigned to, Assigned group, Type, Ticket ID, Test cycle, Category lvl1, Category lvl2, Year and Month. Selections in the filters can be saved for every user.

Filter is applied on all reports provided on Dashboard.

If SLA is not activated, reports on Response time, Average response time, Resolution time and Average resolution time will not show any data. If you choose to activate SLA, reports will show information as if SLA was activated from the start of using ticketing functionality for your project. If you would like to exclude past time, you can select valid period to obtain proper results.



Go to Tickets -> Tickets

Tickets are showing all open tickets on projects in which user is assigned to.

Following predefined filters are available:

    • Assigned to me (shows only tickets that are currently assigned to user)
    • My tickets (open tickets created by user, tickets assigned to user or tickets marked for follow up)
    • New tickets (all tickets with status ‘new’)
    • Show closed (all tickets)

Ticket list can be configured based on user preferences by selecting ‘Configure view’ button. You can export data from the table in xls or pdf format.


When creating new ticket, you can define following:

    • Assigned group: this information is maintained by site administrator and represents group/team responsible for managing incident. When incident is assigned to group, all email recipients that belongs to this group will receive information about created ticket.
    • Assigned to*: concrete user who is responsible for managing ticket
    • Project ID*: relation to project to which ticket should be assigned. User can choose all active (released) projects.
    • Reported by*: here you can name user who reported incident.
    • Reported on: here you can enter date when incident is reported
    • Expected resolution date: here you can enter date when you expect ticket to be resolved on
    • Type*: this information is maintained by site administrator. By default, Mavles is delivering following ticket types: Question, Incident, Problem, Service Request, Change Request
    • Category level 1*: this information is maintained by site administrator and represents level 1 grouping of area to which incident is allocated. For example: software or hardware
    • Category level 2: this information is maintained by site administrator and represents level 2 grouping of area to which incident is allocated. For example: MS office within category level 1.
    • Category level 3: this information is maintained by site administrator and represents level 2 grouping of area to which incident is allocated.
    • Environment: here you can enter impacted environment (for example: Development, Test or Productive)
    • Impact*: impact could be defined as low, medium or high based on number of affected users
    • Urgency*: urgency could be defined as normal or urgent
    • Priority: ticket priority is defined based on inputs in Impact and Urgency fields and predefined matrix.
    • Parent ticket: you can relate ticket to some of existing already ticket
    • External ticket number: used if there is also third-party solution for incident management
    • Test cycle: you can link ticket to test cycle from test module
    • Test case ID: you can link ticket to test case ID from test module
    • Change request ID: if you are using change request from scope module, here you can link your ticket with change request ID
    • Create change request From ticket you can create change request.
    • Short description*: used to shortly describe issue/ name ticket
    • Description: used to describe ticket in more details
    • Attachment: you can add attachment to tickets for detailed explanation, test evidence etc.


When updating ticket, new fields on ticket form are shown:

    • Follow: mark this option if you want to follow concrete ticket lifecycle. Followed tickets will remain in ‘My tickets’ until they are closed.
    • Created by: shows user who created ticket
    • Closed by: shows user who closed ticket

Also new sections which relates to following:

    • Conversation: you can communicate with other users about ticket . Comments can be converted as tasks for other users.
    • Closing: if ticket status is changed to closed you will be able to fill in following:
        • Closing ID: is mandatory entry when closing tickets. Mavles comes with 2 default entries: successfully tested and not relevant. Site administrator can configure Closing ID based on your company needs.
        • Closing note: additional information related to ticket closure
        • Workaround: description of possible workaround that could be applied in ticket resolution
        • Add attachments related to closing such as test evidence, additional information, manuals etc.
    • Effort logs – here users can enter effort estimate and actual work done. If actual time spend on ticket resolution is entered in this section, it will be automatically entered into user monthly timesheet with information about ticket ID
    • SLA – shows following information:
        • Created on: shows date and time when ticket is created
        • Accepted on: shows date and time when ticket changed status from new to any other status
        • Resolved on: shows date and time when ticket changed status to resolved or closed depending on configuration made by responsible project manager
        • SLA section:
            • Response time: shows time needed to provide response on new ticket, but also breach of response time compared to SLA configuration on project
            • Resolution time: shows time needed to provide resolution of ticket, but also breach of resolution time compared to SLA configuration on project
            • On hold: shows time during which ticket was on On-hold status. If defined so in configuration, during this time response and resolution time will not be calculated.
            • Report about how long ticket was assigned to each user during ticket resolution based on different ticket statuses.
    • History section – shows changes done on ticket by users.

Tickets can have 7 statuses: New, Accepted, In progress, On-hold, Resolved, Rejected and Closed.

Status ‘new’ is assigned to every created ticket as initial status. Service Level Agreement (SLA) response time is calculated when ticket changes status from new to any other status.

Status ‘accepted’ is assigned to ticket to indicate that ticket is acknowledged and should be assigned to responsible person/group for resolution. This status is not mandatory and can be skipped.

During resolution period ticket has status ‘in progress’.

Ticket can be put on ‘on-hold’ status if there is additional information that had to be provided by ticket requestor. It can be configured that during this status resolution time is not calculated.

When ticket is resolved, responsible person is assigning status ‘resolved’ to ticket and ticket is assigned back to user who created ticket or user that must perform solution testing.

User can confirm or reject solution by assigning status closed or rejected.

Closed’ tickets cannot be modified.

When solution is ‘rejected’, ticked should be assigned back to responsible user for rework, and full cycle is followed until ticket is closed.

Response time: Calculated when ticket status is changed from ’new’ in any other status.

Resolution time: depending on configuration in SLA, first you need to define if resolution time is calculated based on ticket status is resolved or closed and if resolution time starts when ticket is is status new or any other status and if time is calculated while ticket is in on-hold status. 

Scope, Testing and Training modules are highly integrated.
In Scope module you are defining business processes.
Purpose of scope module is to define and maintain business processes for your project and group them in logical sections.
Defined scope is prerequisite for Testing and Training module. Based on business processes defined in scope, testing and training can be planned and executed.

Go to Scope ->Dashboard

Mavles provides out of the box dashboard related to scope management.
Reports can be filtered based on following criteria: Project ID, Level 1 ID, Level 2 ID. Selections in the filters can be saved for every user.

In lower part of the screen, reports on Change requests are shown. Reports can be filtered based on following criteria: Project ID, CR status, CR type, Criticality and Priority. Selections in the filters can be saved for every user.

Go to Scope ->Maintain scope

Before you start utilizing these modules, first some basic configuration needs to be completed by:

  1. Site administrator (basic configuration) and
  2. Project Manager

Go to tab Scope
We defined groupings of your business processes in two levels:
· Level 1 – highest level of process grouping (example: Scope module)
· Level 2 – sublevel of level 1 of process grouping (example: Maintain scope)
· Level 3 – unique identification of process (example: Maintain Level 1)
· Level 4 – process steps within process (example: create, change or delete level 1)

On Level 1 and 2, we are maintaining level identification and group name.
On Level 3 or process itself, we maintain next to process ID and process name, also detail description of process and link to Change Request ID. Here, we can also attach other relevant documents, procedures, related to process.
Since, Business processes on Level 3 are replicated in Training and Testing module, this information and documents can be seen by users while testing or training.

Processes are always maintained: created, changed or deleted, in scope module and replicated in Testing and Training module.

For each scope level you can draw process diagram. Diagrams can be exported in pdf and png files.


Go to tab Scope list. Here, we can see full scope in list form.
Go to our example. Expand Level 1: Scope, level 2: Maintain scope, level 3: Maintain level 1.
Layout of this list can be configured based on your needs or exported in xls or pdf file.

Go to Scope ->Change Requests

Change requests are extensions of project scope or time.

In Scope module we enabled simple Change Management Process.

The Change Request Procedure identifies, controls and documents modifications in the project scope. The objective of Change Request Management is to reach a decision as quickly as possible on the requested change and to permit Change Requests to infiltrate the project in a controlled manner.

For selected project, you can see all change request created in project so far.
If you want to change layout of this report go to Configure view button. You can rearrange columns and their order.
You can export data from the table in xls or pdf format.
You can filter information by clicking on column name. You can sort data by clicking arrow next to column name.

For each Change request, we follow 5 steps in change management process: Problem report, Analysis, Approval for realization, Realization and Acceptance.

First step is Change request problem report which is used to identify problem or scope GAP. Any team member can create problem report and describe requested change, elaborate on reason and expected benefits of change implementation. He can define change priority, go-live criticality and time when he expects change to be implemented.
When all information is entered he has two option: to save entry or to initiate change and send it to responsible team member for analysis. After release problem report can not be modified and email is sent to responsible user for analysis.
If you choose to save problem report, you can access it later to modify it. Report will be visible to project manager and you.

In second phase responsible user for analysis has several options. He can analyze problem, estimate impacts on project and provide effort estimation and assumptions for realization and release change request for approval. Email is send to approver.
If information provided in problem report is not sufficient for analysis, user can ask for additional information from team member who initiated change.
Change can be rejected before analysis. In this case email is send with information about rejection of requested change.

In third phase, when analysis is finalized and released, responsible user is reviewing analysis and have possibility to approve change for realization, to reject change request, or to ask additional information to be updated. Email is sent to responsible user.

After approval, work on change request can start. When change is realized user can provide link to testing evidence, update initial effort estimation and released for final acceptance.

Final step is acceptance of realized change and change closure.

Change request can be exported to pdf file when completed for your project archive.

Scope, Testing and Training modules are highly integrated.
Defined scope is prerequisite for creating Test plan for users.
Based on defined test plan, users are accessing their test packages and report on testing status.

Before you start utilizing these modules, first some basic configuration needs to be completed by:

  1. Site administrator (basic configuration) and
  2. Project Manager

Go to Testing ->Dashboard

Mavles provides out of the box dashboard related to test management.
Reports can be filtered based on following criteria: Project ID, Test cycle, Level 1 ID, Level 2 ID, Process tester and Step tester.
Selections in the filters can be saved for every user.

We provided on dashboard also Detail test report with 3 report variants: List of level 3 processes with test status, List of processes with process steps and List of processes with status of assigned tickets.
From this list, you can view test case for each process.

Go to Testing ->Test cycle

Before users can access their test packages, project managers needs to define test cycle and prepare overall test plan.

Select project for which you are creating testing cycle.
For example: unit test, integration test, user acceptance test, unit test company A, unit test, company B, development tests, authorization test etc.

In order to release test cycle for users you need to mark cycle as ‘active’.
Test packages will not be shown in user’s test plan if cycle is not marked as active.
You can name the cycle and add additional explanation if needed.


Go to Testing ->Test plan

After creating testing cycle, you can create test plan for that cycle.
All processes (level 3 items) from scope module are replicated in test plan.
You can select if you want to create test plan based on level 3 or level 4 scope items. This means that you can plan testing including only process tester (if you decide to plan testing based on level 3) or both process and step testers (if you decide to plan testing based on level 4).

First step is creating test plan is selecting processes that will be included in test plan. Mark ‘include in test scope’ next to process name.
You can filter processes, and use include or exclude all buttons for all selected items.
For each process and process step, you can define process tester, step tester, planned date, planned time, duration and location.
Based on test plan, each user assigned as process or step tester, can see list of all test cases (processes) which he needs to test.

Go to Testing ->My test packages

After test plan is created, testers are assigned and test cycle marked as active, process and step testers can access their test packages and record testing results.

On first screen users can see list of all processes where they are assigned as testers with current testing status. User can select check box to show process steps.
List can be configured based on user preferences by selecting ‘Configure view’ button.

In order to register test results, user can select process and Go to test case.
If user is assigned as step tester, he can update status on individual process steps. Overall test process status can be updated only by process tester.

Upper part of screen provides information about process (level 3), and lower part of screen shows process steps (level 4).

If process or step is marked as failed, user has possibility to enter comment and create ticket related to that process or step error. Ticket ID is automatically linked to test scenario. Please refer to Tickets for further information about creating ticket.

Each test case can be exported in pdf file.

Based on testing status updated by users, reports are generated.

Scope, Testing and Training modules are highly integrated.
Defined scope is prerequisite for creating Training plan for users.
Based on defined training plan, users are accessing their plans, training materials and self-train.


Go to Training ->Dashboard

Mavles provides out of the box dashboard related to training management.
Training reports can be filtered based on following criteria: Project ID, Training cycle, Participant, Project Team and Project role.
Selections in the filters can be saved for every user.

Go to Training ->Training cycle

Before users can access their training plans, project managers needs to define training cycle and prepare overall training plan.

For selected project, you can create training cycles (for example key user training or end user training).
In order to release training cycle for users you need to mark training cycle as ‘active’.
Training plans will not be shown in user’s training plan if cycle is not marked as active.
You can name the cycle and add additional explanation if needed.

Go to Training ->Training plan

After creating training cycle, you can create training plan for that cycle.
For selected Project and training cycle, all processes (level 3 items) from scope module are replicated in training plan.

First step is creating training plan is selecting processes that will be included in training plan. Mark ‘include in training scope’ next to process name.
You can filter processes, and use include or exclude all buttons for all selected items.

For each process, you can define trainer, participants, planned date, planned time, duration and location and provide links to training documentation.
When user is assigned as participant and training cycle marked as active, he can access his training plan.


Go to Training ->Create Survey/Quiz

During project execution, you can define various quizzes and surveys in order to obtain feedback from project teams.
Surveys can help project managers to obtain individual views and experiences. When done well, surveys provide hard numbers on people’s opinions and behaviors that can be used to make important decisions and improve execution of your project.

Surveys/quizzes are created and reviewed by project manager. If it is required that also someone else from the team can create and analyze surveys and quizzes, project manager can assign that option for user when he is assigning him to project.

You can copy surveys/quizzes from other projects or create your own.

When creating new survey/quiz, you need to choose between type and based on type, you will be offered different options for questions.

Go to tab Design

Here, you can name your survey or quiz and write introduction for users related to survey/quiz which will be send in email as invitation to take survey or quiz.

Go to tab Questions

In surveys, questions are always rated with following options:

  • Not satisfied (score 1)
  • Room for improvement (score 2)
  • Neutral (score 3)
  • Satisfied (score 4)
  • Very satisfied (score 5)

You can add questions that requires answer in free form. These are not scored.

In quizzes you can define 3 types of questions:

  • Question with Multiple choice
  • Question with Single choice
  • Question which requires an Answer

You can also define if question is mandatory to be answered, and you can score them. Multiple and single choices can be scored with points from 0 to 5. Textual answers are not scored.

Go to tab Preview

Here, you can see how your survey or quiz will look like for users.

Go to tab Add recipients and release.

Here, you can add recipients and release survey.

Please note that after you release survey, you can not change questions any more, but you can add additional recipients.

Go to tab Dashboard

Surveys/quizzes reports can be filtered based on following criteria: user, project team an project role.

Filter is applied on all reports provided on Dashboard:

  1. Survey / Quiz Response – shows percentage of users completed survey or quiz
  2. Average score – shows average score of completed surveys or quiz
  3. Survey/quiz per project team – shows average score of completed surveys or quiz per project team
  4. Survey/quiz per project role – shows average score of completed surveys or quiz – per project role
  5. Score per question
  6. Score per question group
  7. Detail list

Go to Training ->My training package

For selected project and training cycle each user can see their training plans based on processes.
User is maintaining training status and can assess training documentation and video links provided, but also all attachments provided in scope module.
Training status can be Not started, In progress and Passed.
Based on training status updated by users, reports are generated for project managers.

Go to Training ->My survey/quiz

My Surveys are showing all project surveys assigned to user.
Here, users can see status of his surveys, review surveys and complete remaining surveys.
Based on status, reports are generated for project managers.

Go to Time&Travel ->My Dashboard

We created dashboard where you can see several reports.

You can filter reports for specific Year and Month. Filters can be saved for each user.

Please note that productivity is calculated based on following: for selected period we calculated maximum number of working hours per period and deducted public holidays. Productivity is in relation of maximum number of working hours calculated as said above and number of hours recorded in your timesheets on projects and productive non project categories (for example: presales).

Go to Time&Travel ->Project Dashboard

Mavles provides out of the box dashboard related to Time&Travel for Project Managers and Resource managers.
Project managers can see only Project related data, while Resource managers can also see data related to non project activities.

Reports can be filtered based on following criteria: Project ID, Year and Month, User ID and Partner ID and Organizational unit.
Selections in the filters can be saved for every user.

Reports are grouped in 4 sections: Timesheets, Travel, Vacations and Team productivity.

Timesheet reports are showing information based on time recorded in users timesheets.
Reports are showing summarized view of project hours and costs per project, category, period and user. Here you can see also all timesheet entries recorded on project and export data in excel file if needed.

Similar reports are provided for travel expenses and vacations.

Filter for Project ID or category is not applied for Team Productivity reports. Team productivity is measured based on number of total working hours in selected period and number of project related hours or non project categories that are marked as productive in configuration.

Go to Time&Travel ->My time & travel

Go to tab My timesheets

Timesheet enables tracking evidence of your working time on projects and non project activities.

Based on configuration made by your Site administrator, timesheets are approved by responsible project manager or by resource manager.

Timesheets are approved only for project activities. If users time was allocated on several projects, timesheets will be distributed to each project manager for approval.

Based on configuration:

  • Timesheets can be approved monthly, weekly or daily
  • Minimum working hours per day can be required (timesheets that do not have minimum required hours per day cannot be released for approval)
  • Overtime, weekend and holiday work can be allowed in time recording
  • You can record time related to non project activities, such as: administration tasks, presales, training and others. These are configured by your site administrator and time recorded on those activities is not subject of approval.

Entries in timesheet are maintained daily. If it is configured that timesheets are approved on monthly basis, and minimum number of recorded hours per day is 8, users will have to record activities with total daily sum of 8 hours. Mavles will validate if entries are in accordance with these settings. If insufficient number of hours is filled per day, Date field will be coloured in red.
When required number of hours is filled for entire approval period, for example for entire month, button ‘Release for approval’ will be enabled. After release, timesheets cannot be modified.
Project or resource manager is approving or rejecting timesheet per user and per project.
If timesheet is rejected, user can make modifications and release it for approval again.

Each entry in timesheet have following fields: Selected project or non project category, Number of recorded hours, Detail activity description, Reference on Change Request ID, Reference on Ticket ID, Task ID and Additional 3 text fields.

Timesheets can be exported in excel file. You can select project or non project category, year and month and export data if needed.


Go to tab My travel requests

Prior to travel itself, you can create travel request and release it for approval by responsible project or resource manager.

This functionality is not prerequisite for creating travel expense report.

By creating and releasing travel request, you are obtaining approval from responsible project or resource manager to conduct travel itself.

You are estimating total travel cost and period of planned trip.

When all data is specified, you can save your travel request or release it for approval.

When trip is conducted, you can create travel expense report.

On time and travel dashboard page you can see reports related to your travel requests such as:

  • Travel requests per status: created, released, approved
  • List of not approved travel requests per project

Go to tab My travel expenses

When your trip is conducted, you can create travel expense report and link it with your travel request. This link will copy all information from travel request to your travel expense report.

In report you can specify all information about travel such as:

  • Information about exact departure date and time, as well arrival date and time. When traveling abroad additional information can be entered such as departure and return border cross. Based on entered information, application is calculating travel time in departure, travel time in return and total travel time of your trip.
  • Travel Expenses such as plane tickets, hotel bills and daily allowances. Please note that expenses need to be supported by appropriate receipt and that receipt attachment could be mandatory. This will be configured by your site administrator. For each receipt you are entering amount in project currency, but there is also possibility to enter amount in receipt currency if needed. Conversion from receipt currency to project currency is done by user. Application is not using exchange rates and it will not convert amounts in different currencies.
  • If you travel by company or private car, additional fields will show up such as: registration number, distance, start and end miles/km.

When all information is specified, you can save your travel expense report or release it for approval by responsible project manager.

Project or resource manager is approving or rejecting each travel expense.

If travel expense is rejected, user can make modifications to travel expense and send it for approval again.

Travel expenses can be exported to pdf files if needed. In pdf export also all receipts are attached. You should use jpg or png files when attaching receipts.


Go to tab My expenses

Expenses like restaurant bills and similar project related costs can be submitted for approval to project managers.

Please note that expenses need to be supported by appropriate receipt and that receipt attachment could be mandatory. This can be configured by your site administrator. For each receipt you are entering amount in project currency, but there is also possibility to enter amount in receipt currency. Conversion of amounts from receipt currency to project currency is done by user. Application is not using exchange rates and it will not convert amounts in different currencies.

When all information is specified, you can save your expense report or release it for approval by responsible project manager.

Project or resource manager is approving or rejecting each expense.

If expense is rejected, user can make modifications to expense and send it for approval again.

Expenses can be exported to pdf files if needed. In pdf export also all receipts are attached. You can use jpg and png files when attaching receipts.


Go to tab My vacation requests

Vacation requests are used to track evidence of your vacation absence.

You can create vacation requests which are approved by project manager on each project on which you are assigned to.

Vacation request is in status released until it is approved by each project manager.

Go to Time&Travel ->Approval

Approve timesheets/travel requests/travel expenses/expenses/vacation requests

Project managers and/or resource managers can Approve timesheets/travel requests/travel expenses/vacation requests (Items) if approval process is enabled.

Each tab is showing list of all items (created, released and approved) for selected period per each project where you are assigned as project manager, substitute project manager or resource manager and per each user managing his/hers entries in Time&Travel module.

You can view details for each user and approve their items or reject it.

If item is rejected, you need to enter reason for rejection and hit ‘reject’ button. At that time, email is sent to user stating reason for rejection. Item status is reverted to ‘created’ and user can update his/hers item.

When approved, items cannot be modified by user unless, project manager rejects approved item.

Please note, timesheets are approved based on your company/site settings. For example, if in configuration timesheets are approved on monthly basis, and minimum required number of recorded hours per day is 8, users will have to fill in timesheet for each working day in month with total daily sum of 8 hours before they will be able to release timesheet for approval. Application will validate if entries are in accordance with settings.


Upload timesheets

Project managers can upload user timesheets from excel spreadsheets.

When uploaded, items are by default in status: ‘approved’. No workflow for approval process is triggered.

Please note that all users need to be created in Mavles.

Please use provided template for your data upload.

Structure of spread sheet is following:

  1. User ID – please use user ID from Mavles application – you can see user ID in Communication -> Contact list
  2. Date – please use format mm/dd/yyyy
  3. Project ID – please use project ID from Mavles application – example: P00000023
  4. Effort – Please enter time in format 00:00
  5. Activity description – Free text no limitation
  6. Change request ID – Please use change request ID provided in Mavles application
  7. Ticket ID – Please use change request ID provided in Mavles application
  8. Text 1 – Free text no limitation
  9. Text 2 – Free text no limitation
  10. Text 3 – Free text no limitation

Prior to data upload, please check if project is in status released, if users are defined for projects, if users are active on projects, if project ID is entered correctly.

If imported data needs to be corrected, following steps needs to be applied:

  1. project managers will need to reject timesheets
  2. users will have to delete all entries

Upload vacations

Project managers can upload user vacations from excel spreadsheets.

When uploaded, items are by default in status: ‘approved’. No workflow for approval process is triggered.

Please note that all users need to be created in Mavles.

Please use provided template for your data upload.

Structure of spread sheet is following:

  1. User ID – please use user ID from Mavles application – you can see user ID in Communication -> Contact list
  2. From (mm/dd/yyyy) – date when vacation starts
  3. To (mm/dd/yyyy) – date when vacation ends
  4. Note – Free text no limitation
  5. Text 1 – Free text no limitation
  6. Text 2 – Free text no limitation

Prior to data upload, please check if users are defined for projects and if users are active on projects.

If imported data needs to be corrected, following steps needs to be applied:

  1. project managers will need to reject vacation requests
  2. users will have to delete all entries

Risk Plan is the register of all identified project risks. It is used over the entire project lifecycle. The project risk register is maintained by the project manager or another appointed user who is knowledgeable in the areas of risk identification, risk planning, and risk mitigation.

Go to Risks ->Dashboard

Mavles provides out of the box dashboard related to Risk management.

Reports can be filtered based on following criteria: Project ID, Year and Month.

Selections in the filters can be saved for every user.

Filter is applied on all reports provided on Dashboard:

  1. Impact and cost overview
  2. Mitigation Type vs. Gross Impact
  3. Risks for inclusion in budget

Go to Risks ->Risk plan

Here, you can see list of all identified risks and mitigation actions. In Mavles, Risk plan is viewed and maintained by project manager, but all other users can see simplified report without financial information. For this purpose Risk list is used.
You can configure report layout based on your preference by choosing Configure view button. You can rearrange columns based on your needs.
You can export risk plan in pdf or xls file by choosing Export button.

You can add, view, change or delete identified risks.

Go to Create Risk.
In upper part of the screen, you can maintain following:

  • Risk name describes risk.
  • Risk Type classifies risk type and you can choose from following: performance, scope, schedule, management support. Risk types are configured by site administrator.
  • Risk is assigned to user responsible for managing that risk.
  • Due date is defined for taking mitigation actions.
  • Mitigation status is maintained.
  • You can describe Consequence and detail effect if risk is realized.
  • You can also maintain descriptive risk probability and impact and choose between Low, Medium or High as descriptive entries
  • If needed, you can maintain additional information related to risks in field Comment.

In case that you want to measure risks and calculate costs that you would like to include in project budget, you can analyze risks by estimating gross impact and probability, mitigation type, cost of mitigation, Gross impact after mitigation and probability after mitigation. Based on these inputs, following is calculated:

  1. Net impact: The net impact of a risk is calculated based on the entered Gross Impact and the corresponding likelihood for the risk to actually occur during the course of the project. The calculation is done as a simple multiplication of gross impact and probability.
  2. Net impact after mitigation: The net impact after mitigation describes the weighted impact of the risk and considers the selected mitigation type. If ‘none’ has been selected as mitigation type, then the project managers decided that no mitigation actions shall be taken. Hence the Net impact after mitigation will equal the product of Gross Impact and Probability (before mitigation). If ‘preventive’ has been selected as mitigation type, then the project manager decided to take preventive action in form of the specified mitigation actions. Therefore, the likelihood of occurrence as well as the gross impact of that risk might have changed. The Net Impact After Mitigation is therefore equal to the product of Gross Impact After Mitigation and Probability After Mitigation. If ‘corrective’ has been selected as mitigation type, then the project manager has no influence on the likelihood anymore. However, the risk can still be mitigated by executing the specified mitigation actions. Therefore, the gross impact after mitigation should be less than the original gross impact. The Net Impact after Mitigation is then simply the product of original probability and gross impact after mitigation.
  3. Cost benefit Analysis: The Cost Benefit Analysis provides an indicator if the chosen mitigation type is wise. If the Cost Benefit Analysis is zero, it doesn’t make a difference between mitigation and no mitigation since the net impact before mitigation equals the cost of mitigation plus the net impact after mitigation. If the cost benefit analysis is positive, then the chosen mitigation type has a financially positive effect. This is often the case if risks actually occur in a project. If the cost benefit analysis is negative then the chosen mitigation type is not efficient. This might occur if mitigation activities are too expensive.
  4. Risk to be included in budget: The amount of money that need to be included in (risk) reports and project budget. If mitigation type was ‘none’, then the original net impact needs to be included. The project manager chose to take the risk. If mitigation type was ‘preventive’ or ‘corrective’, then the risk to be included in budget equals the cost of mitigation plus the calculated net impact after mitigation for that specific risk.


Go to Risks -> Risk register

 As mentioned before, simplified risk list without financial data can be viewed by all team members.

Finance module is used and accessed only by managers and project managers
Guest users can not access and see any data from finance module.


Go to Finance ->My dashboard

Mavles provides out of the box dashboard related to Finance module.

Reports can be filtered based on following criteria: Project ID, Year, Month, Partner, Project manager, Project type, Project category, Project status and Budget category. Filters can be saved for every user.

Reports are grouped in four sections: Budget vs Actual, Partners/Invoices, Projects, Timesheets and Expenses.

On tab Budget vs Actual, we can see reports on revenue, expenses and profit in total for selected filters and per period and year.

On tab Partners/Invoices, reports are showing outgoing and incoming invoices per partner and per period. Please note that if you decided not to create invoices in invoice table, you can still maintain revenues and expenses per partner in budget and actual. This report will read data from both sources. For example, you can maintain outgoing invoices in Invoices, and incoming invoices in budget and actual table. Report will combine data.

Reports shown on tab Projects, are used for project portfolio reporting. You can see actual revenues, expenses and profit grouped per project type and category, and also for each selected project.

Timesheet reports are showing actual time recorded on each project, timesheet planned and actual costs per period, and also recorded time per period.

Finally, if you are using Mavles for travel expenses and other project expenses, on Expenses tab, you can see reports related to this expenses per cost type and each selected project.

Go to Finance ->Invoices

You can track your project incoming and outgoing invoices using our tool.

For each invoice you can maintain basic information, define budget category in which invoice will be shown in budget and actuals, decide if invoice should be excluded from budget or not, link invoice with change request.

Invoice amounts are entered in project currency used for reporting, but you can also enter amounts in local currency if needed. You can also enter information about invoice items. Please note that sum of items amount needs to match total invoice amount.

Invoices can have 3 statuses:

  1. Planned (default status for each new invoice created)
  2. Issued/Received
  3. Payed

Planned invoices are copied to project budget as budgeted items if you define so in budget configuration.

Issued/received and payed invoices are shown in actuals.

Please note that this functionality is used only for project reporting purposes. It is not intended to replace your accounting system.

Go to Finance ->Budget and actuals

For selected project, you can see 3 tabs: configuration, budget and actuals.

Go to tab Configuration

For each project you can configure how you will maintain your project budget and actuals.
Please note that you can change configuration anytime during project execution.

First, you define planning period which should represent project start and end date.

Than, you will decide how data will be filled in in Budget and actuals.

You have option to include in the Budget, risks you estimated in Risk module. Mark this check box if you want to include risks. If you decided to maintain incoming and outgoing invoices in Invoices, you can mark this check box. When invoice is created, its’ initial status is planned, and it will be automatically populated in budget table. You can also include in budget Approved change requests after change request analysis and effort estimate. If you select this option for budget, and you expect to receive or issue invoice for change request, you need to exclude invoice from budget by selecting checkbox in invoice.

For project actuals, you can decide if you would like to include Completed Change requests. If you will issue or receive invoice for change requests, you should not select this option.
In actuals you can choose to include timesheets and expenses from Time and Travel module. Please note that only time entered by company users will be included.
You can include Received or issued and payed Invoices.

If you would like more details in report on actuals, define if you would like to show actual Timesheets and Expenses per user and Invoices per partner.

Go to tab Budget

After configuration set-up you can start budgeting your project per planning intervals defined for your company.
You can plan all project costs and revenues using different budget categories which are defined by your site administrator.
Each line can be planned per user, partner or change request.
For each line you specify if it is Expense or income.
You can add additional information in text field for further reference.

Depending on your configuration entry fields are enabled or disabled. For example, if you decided to include planned invoices in your budget, data from Invoices will be filled in.
If you are not using invoices, you can enter manually in budget plan per partners both as costs or revenues, or incoming or outgoing invoices.
Same applies for change requests. If you defined in configuration that approved change requests should be included in budget, budget line will be filled in with information about change request. You need to define if change request is expense or revenue in your case. Also, if you decided to use this as an option and use also invoices for change requests, please have in mind that you should exclude invoice from budget when you are entering invoice for change request.
If you selected in configuration that calculated risks from Risk module should be included in budget, here we will have a line with sum of all cost for risk mitigation.
When budget is saved, changes are still possible.
If you want to lock initial budget and track changes to initial budget during project execution, you need to release the budget. Later changes will have new lines you need to plan with information of next budget version.
When you finish project budgeting, you can maintain actuals.

Go to tab Actuals

Depending on configuration set-up, in actuals tab you can track project realization.
If you decided to include approved Timesheets in actuals, this cost will be shown in your actuals table.
As mentioned before, Mavles can not provide actuals for some of budgeting categories. These items you need to maintain manually in actuals when they are realized.
Budget and actuals tables, you can export in excel or pdf files.

Go to Communication ->Dashboard

We created dashboard where you can see several Reports on tasks.

You can filter reports based on different criteria: Projects, Project team, Assigned user, Task status, Organizational Unit, Year and Month and, private tasks. Filters can be saved for each user.

Selections in the filters can be saved for every user.


Go to Communication ->Contact list

Contact list of all team members assigned to project.

Go to Communication ->Calendar

My calendar shows only user related tasks, meetings, vacation and reminders in one comprehensive view.

User can select multiple projects where he is assigned to and track and organize his cross project activities.

When initially created all tasks are shown in Calendar on date when they are due and in section unassigned tasks. User can move tasks in order to organize his/hers workload more efficiently. Changes are saved automatically, but moving tasks does not have an influence on task due date.

Project meetings – This view shows all project and non-project related meetings.

Team vacations – This view planned and approved vacations of team members.

Go to Communication ->Tasks

User tasks can be created from: task list, meeting minutes, project schedule and tickets.

You can see all tasks from all projects (where user is assigned as team member), or non project categories.
You can select one or multiple projects if you require.
We created some predefined filters: My tasks, Overdue tasks and closed tasks. For example, you can combine this filters for quick search of your overdue tasks by selecting filter My tasks and Overdue tasks.

If you want to change layout of this report go to Configure view button. You can rearrange columns and their order.
You can export data from the table in xls or pdf format.
You can filter information by clicking on column name. You can sort data by clicking arrow next to column name.

If you would like to see tasks in daily, weekly or monthly Calendar, click on My Calendar button. Choose preferred view. You can rearrange your tasks in calendar view with drag and drop function. Please note that due date will not change and this feature will only help you to organize your time.

When creating new task you can maintain following:

  • Project or category
  • Responsible person for resolving task
  • Project Team is derived from responsible user
  • Due date for task resolution
  • When creating new task, status is set as open.
  • Define task priority by choosing one of following: low, medium, high, very high or critical.
  • If task is related to other already existing task, you can select task ID.
  • If you want task to be seen only by you or other assigned person, you can mark this task as private. Likewise, if task is created from meeting which is marked as private, task will be seen only by meeting participants.
  • You can relate task with Risk ID, Process ID, Change Request ID, Meeting ID, Ticket ID or WBS element.
  • Task description.
  • You can attach file if needed. Please note that file size is limited to 20MB.

When updating existing task, new tabs are shown on bottom of the screen: Communication, Effort and History.

In Communication tab, you can use Comment box to exchange messages with other users about the task. Below comment box you can see conversation list entered by users involved in task.

On Effort tab you can enter estimate of effort needed to resolve task. Below, users can record actual work efforts. If actual time spend on ticket resolution is entered in this section, it will be automatically recorded into user timesheet with information about task ID. Vice versa, if you record time in timesheet and link it with task ID, in Effort tab time spend will be shown.

On History tab we can see major changes done on task.

Go to Communication ->Project Meetings

You can see here list of all meetings and meeting minutes created during project.

Create meeting.

Enter meeting start date and time, meeting duration, subject of the meeting, select meeting participants from dropdown list, select project team and meeting type (Meeting type is configured by your site administrator. By default, Mavles comes with meeting and workshop as meeting types). Enter meeting location and List your meeting topics in the Agenda. Text from agenda will be sent in email to all participants when minutes are released for review.

If you want meeting to be private for participants of the meeting, select this checkbox. Please note that tasks generated in private meeting will be visible only for meeting participants.

You can add attachments to your meeting, up to 20MB in size.

Now, you can add topics and minutes related to topics. You have possibility to chose for each topic if it is task, information or a decision. Write summary of discussion in text box. If a topic is a task for participants, you can assign participant. Add task due date. Specify task status. With this action, task will be created for responsible user.

At this point you can Save or Release the meeting minutes.

If you choose to Save meeting, you can still edit it later until you are ready to release it.
When meeting is released, changes are not possible, and meeting minutes are sent by email to participants for review.

Participants can access meeting from email notification.

Participants can add comments to topics, but they can not change topics.
After review by participants, meeting organiser can choose to reset minutes and update topics based on comments if necessary, and release meeting again for review.

Each meeting minute can be exported in pdf file if required.
Click on Export to PDF.
You can store or distribute meeting pdf form.

Go to Communication ->Project decisions

This report shows all project decisions generated during team meetings. It reflects topics market as decisions in meetings.

Go to Communication ->Status reports

Status reports are used by project teams to communicate the current progress and issues of their team to other project teams, project managers and stakeholders.
By keeping everyone in the loop with updates on regular basis, you will provide accountability and align resources when necessary.

You can see all status reports from different project teams.
You can create status report from scratch or copy existing report and modify it.

For each status report you are maintaining report date, reporting period and project team.
If you would like to align status report with other team member, you will mark this option and enter team member to whom you will send report for alignment.

You are ready to fill in status report.
First, you define overall status by marking relevant traffic light.

  • Green light means that there are no significant threats to project.
  • Yellow lights means that current status threatens time to complete delivery of project scope, but issues can be managed within project.
  • Red light means that current status will prevent delivery of project scope on time. The project is likely to require external support and should be supervised by management.

In box for Overall status and key achievements, you can enter activities finalised in previous period.

In box Open issues and needed decisions you can enter information about issues that are prerequisite for you to finalise scope of your activities.

In box Key risks you can enter risks you identified in previous period that can jeopardize project milestones and on-time deliveries.

In box Next steps you can summarise activities you plan to execute until next reporting period.

You can Save report or Release the report for alignment with other team member.
When you release report, email is sent to inform team recipient to review and align status. Recipient can access status report from link provided in email. Recipient can modify report and click on Align button. Email is sent that status report has been aligned.
After alignment, changes to status report is no longer possible.

Go to Communication ->Reminder

For every project, you can create reminder for yourself, for project team or individual user.

Reminders will be shown in notification section, but also in project calendar.

They can be repetitive or one-time occasions.

Go to Schedule -> Dashboard

Dashboard can be accessed only by Managers or Project managers. Project Managers can see reports only for their projects. Managers can analyze reports for projects assigned to their organizational units or units below.

Mavles provides out of the box dashboard related to Schedule module shown in several groups:

On Project tab, we can see reports for individual project.
Here we have several reports showing total project duration, percent of completion, planned and actual man hours total and per user.
Project utilization shows planned hours, actual hours and difference per each user assigned to project. Difference is coloured in red when actual hours are higher than planned. You can zoom in and out, in order to show planned and actual hours on daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Planned hours are defined in schedule. You can plan resources on each activity, or only on some activities. You can mark this activities as private and they will be seen only by company users.

On Portfolio gantt tab, you can see combined gantt charts for multiple projects you selected in filters. You can analyze project phases and overlaping between projects.

On Utilization tab, report will show all users belonging to selected organizational unit and their utilization on different project. You can click on plus sign next to each user and analyze their utilization on all projects where they are assigned as team members.

    Go to Schedule -> Schedule ->Configure schedule

    Project schedule is configured and created only by responsible project manager.

    Project Manager can define:

      • How project duration is measured (Minutes/hours/days/weeks/months)
      • if weekends and holidays are included in tasks duration or not.
      • If task duration is measured in hours, we can mark this check box to specify that working day is as defined in calendar for your site country (for example 8 hours a day). If check box is not marked working time will be 24h a day.
      • For easier planning, we can define if tasks are autocompleted when all subtasks are completed and vice versa.
        Similar, we can configure if task dates are derived from subtask dates.

    There is only one project schedule per each project.

    Project schedule can be exported to excel file.


    Go to Schedule ->Schedule

    Based on configuration made by responsible project manager and user authorizations defined in projects, user can view or change project schedule.

    Schedule can be created in 3 different ways:

    1. You can copy schedule from another project.
    2. If you want to create schedule from scratch and structure your project in easier way, you can use data hierarchy map.
    3. Finally, you can use Gantt View and add individual tasks one by one and populating all data in task form.


    Go to Schedule ->Schedule -> Gantt View

    Each task has following information:

        • Task name*: describe project activity. Even fied has limitation to 240 characters, we suggest limiting number of characters used for description as much as possible
        • Task start*: task start date.
        • Duration: you can enter the number of days, hours for task duration depending on how you configured your schedule
        • Task finish*: if you entered task duration, task finish date will be automatically populated, but you can also enter finsh date manually.
        • Percent of completion: here you can add manually information about percent of competition of your task or mark task as complete.
        • Mark as complete: when you check this box percent of completion will be set to 100%
        • Percent of task completion: this filled is populated automatically in situation where task is assigned to several responsible users. Based on task status maintained by users, field is calculated. For example: task x is assigned to 5 users. When one user marks his task as completed, we will have 20% of completion of task.
        • Achieved date od task completion: you can maintain here actual date of task completion as information without impact on overall project schedule.
        • RACI matrix:
          • Responsible. You can define project role and project user or users responsible for task realization.
            • Add as a task for responsible users: if you mark this option, task will be added to user task list and you will se overall task realization in field Percent of task completion
            • Workload: in this field you can maintain percent of workload of user working on the task. Example: you estimate that for task X that has duration one week, user defined as responsible user will have to work 25% of his time, it means that he will spend daily 2 hours, and in whole week 10 hours. This is used to plan resource utilization on project and on schedule dashboard you can see comparison plan vs actual and difference. Please note that actual workload is collected from user timesheet entries.
          • Accountable: You can define project role and project user or users accountable for task realization.
          • Consulted: You can define project role and project user or users that are to be consulted related to task execution.
          • Informed: You can define project role and project user or users that are to be informed about task status and realization.
        • Mark as milestone: by marking this option task will be shown as milestone and you can filter in grid view all tasks defined as milestones. In Projects module and project report, project manager can extract all milestones from schedule.
        • Mark as deliverable: by marking this option task will be shown as deliverable and you can filter in grid view all tasks defined as deliverables. In Projects module and project report, project manager can extract all deliverables from schedule.
        • Deliverable description: here you can describe project deliverables resulting from the task.
        • Mark as relevant for Quality gate: by marking this option task will be shown as quality gate and you can filter in grid view all tasks for which quality gate is required. In Projects module and project report, project manager can extract all quality gate tasks from schedule.
        • Text fields 1-10: if additional information si needed per each task you can define it in these text fields.