
Privacy Policy



1. General provisions

1.1       Privacy Policy of MAVLES DOO Beograd-Novi Beograd, Vladimira Pogačića 8b, Novi Beograd, reg. No.: 21568660 TIN: 111914052 (hereinafter: ”Mavles“) is a document constituting and integral part of General Terms and Conditions of business activities and sets out terms and conditions under which Mavles handles data it obtaines through the Software and web page

1.2       Mavles is the owner of software MAVLES Project Management Tool which comprises an application enabling presentation, processing and exchange of the Content between Ordering Party, Site Administrator, Project Manager, User and/or third party and is intended for project planning, working out and development, and project completion through 10 action modules (hereinafter: Software) and web page, and for the purpose of its successful and smooth functioning it can collect, process, use, store, transfer and disclose certain information and data.

1.3       Data processing by Mavles implies any activity or a set of automated or non-automated activities with data or sets of data, such as collection, recording, classification, grouping, i. e. structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, disclosure, insight, use, disclosure by transfer, i. e. delivery, multiplication, spreading or making available in other way, comparison, restriction, deletion or erasing. 

 1.4       Mavles Privacy Policy applies in connection with the data Mavles obtains when persons access the Software, use the Software and/or visit web page

 1.5       Mavles Privacy Policy is applied regardless of in what way the Software or web page are accessed.

1.6       Mavles processes data completely or partially in either automated or non-automated way and, if required, it can group data. 

 1.7       The notions used in Privacy Policy have the same meaning as definitions in Mavles General Terms and Conditions, unless other than that is stated.



2. Personal data and data on sole proprietor and companies

2.1       If a person accesses the Software and/or uses the Software there is a possibility that Mavles will collect and/or become aware of information on physical and legal persons such as: first name and surname / business name, date of birth, address/registered seat, e-mail address, telephone number, (current-)account number, registration number, taxpayer identification number, other personal data, as well as other information communicated by a person or publicly available.

2.3       Any person accessing the Software, using the Software and/or creating user account has to be above the age of 18. Access to the Software, use of the Software and/or user account creation is not allowed to persons below the age of 18.  Mavles will not purposefully collect data on persons below the age of 18. If a person is aware that the data Mavles becomes aware of are on persons below the age of 18, that person is obliged to notify Mavles on such data. Mavles shall make data on persons below the age of 18 unavailable to other persons and delete such data.



3. Data on use of services

3.1       When it is about the use of Software on devices there is a possibility that Mavles will collect and/or become aware of information such as: time and duration of service, model of hardware and software on devices using the service, e-mail address, data on user account (account log-in username & password) and third persons in terms of users within a user account, data on access to the Internet and device memory, as well as other information furnished by a person and information that are publicly available. 

3.2       Data entered in the Software and relating to the activity or projects of Ordering Party which Mavles can became aware of in the course of provision of services shall be treated by Mavles as a business secret in accordance with the Act on Protection of Trade Secret.

3.3       Mavles collects and/or can become aware of all other data that, under the law, are publicly announced, publicly available, furnished by the employer to its employees, relate to outsourced persons, are data published by a person or data for which the person gave his/her approval for collection.

3.4       Mavles collects and/or can become aware of information of public importance referred to in Articles 1, 2 and 4 of the Act on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, with a full protection of the right to privacy in accordance with Article 14 of the Act on Free Access to Information of Public Importance.  

3.5       Mavles shall not collect special types of personal data and in particular sensitive data in accordance with Article 17 of the Act on Protection of Personal Data, relating, among others, to ethnicity, race, sex, mother tongue, religion, political party membership, trade union membership, health, social-security allowance, conviction for criminal offence and other particularly sensitive data. 



4. Availability of information and data

4.1       Mavles may share information and data with Mavles employees, persons engaged by Mavles for activities relating to Software operation, persons engaged by Mavles to carry out business activities (suppliers, providers of accounting, legal, technical, sales, consulting, marketing services etc.), investors, related persons, business partners – all in accordance with the conditions stipulated in Privacy Policy.

4.2       Mavles may share information and data with governmental bodies and other legal persons in case of bankruptcy, liquidation or winding-up of Mavles, as well as in case of status changes of Mavles, all in accordance with the law. 

4.3       Mavles may share information and data in special circumstances if that is provided for in Positive Regulations, and particularly in cases provided for in the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code. 

4.4       In cases not included in Privacy Policy and Positive Regulations Mavles may share information and data with other physical and legal persons at the request of the person who the data relate to or if the person who the data relate to gives his/her permission.

4.5       Services provided by Mavles are not connected with the use of social network accounts (e. g. Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin etc.), and the connection and exchange of data collected in interconnection between the Software and social network accounts is not within the scope of Mavles activities and Privacy Policy. A person who is an account user on social networks undertakes to inform himself/herself with the operator of the social network used by that person on any possible exchange of data made that way.

4.6       If the person opposes such collection, check, processing, obtaining, availability and/or use of data in accordance with Privacy Policy, Mavles suggests and recommends that person not to visit web page and not to use the Software.



5. Purpose of the use of data

5.1       In accordance with Privacy Policy, Mavles may use data for the following purposes:

  • enabling smooth operation of the Software;
  • enabling guaranteed functions of the Software;
  • eliminating possible shortcomings and making improvements, as well as provision of contents supported in the Software;
  • giving support for smooth operation of the Software;
  • sending administrative electronic notifications;
  • acting in possible cases of misuse of the Software and damage infliction;
  • evaluations and analyses of Software functionality aimed at work process optimization and constant improvement of Software operation;
  • gathering notifications on Software operation (“feedback”) from persons accessing the Software and using the Software.


6. Data protection

6.1       Data protection by Mavles implies cryptosecurity of data encompassing cryptoprotection and information materials management in accordance with the rules and professional standards in the sphere of cryptosecurity. 

6.2       Mavles conducts its business activities using a technology enabling it, within its business activities, to take official and material measures of crypto protection of data it gathers to ensure permanent confidentiality, integrity, availability and resistance of the system and processing services, exercising a due professional care in accordance with the Act on Companies and Act on Information Security, with an aim of protection of the right to privacy and related rights and freedoms. We point out that at the global level transfer and exchange of data and information over the Internet and wireless networks can never be absolutely safe. 

6.3       Mavles takes all prescribed mechanisms of protection of your data in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Protection of Personal Data, Act on Information Security, Act on Free Access to Information of Public Significance and other Positive Regulations. Provisions of the Act on Protection of Personal data define conditions for collection and processing of personal data, rights of persons and protection of rights of persons whose data are collected and processed, protection restrictions, procedure before competent protection body, data safeguarding, record keeping, taking data out of the Republic of Serbia and supervision. 

6.4       Mavles processes data in a manner enabling appropriate data protection from unauthorized or illegal processing, as well as from accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access to data that are transferred, stored or in other way processed, by applying appropriate technical, organizational and personnel-related measures ensuring integrity and verifiability of data.

6.5       Positive regulations imply all applicable provisions of generally accepted rules of international law, ratified treaties, international conventions, the Constitution, laws, by-laws and other legally binding regulations in the Republic of Serbia.



7. Period of data keeping

7.1       Mavles will keep data only for the period required for smooth operation of the Software and as long as required by Positive Regulations following which they will be permanently deleted by Mavles.  



8. Consent to international transfer of data

8.1       In its business activities and in the process of assignment of the Software Mavles provides remote services through electronic means which might lead to international transfer of data.

8.2       By accessing the Software and using the Software an individual gives consent to international transfer of data, i. e. outside the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with Privacy Policy, Articles 63 and 64 of the Act on Protection of Personal Data, Convention on Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data and other Positive Regulations. 

8.3       Mavles does not have any influence on protection systems and legally binding provisions applicable in countries other than the Republic of Serbia. In working with persons based outside the Republic of Serbia Mavles acts with a due professional care and makes all efforts to make those persons keep data safe by exercising a minimum caution the way Mavles does the same.  

8.4       It is believed that an appropriate level of protection in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Protection of Personal Data is provided in the countries and international organizations members of the Council of Europe Convention on Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, i. e. in the countries, on the parts of their territories or in one or more sectors of certain industries in those countries or international organizations for which it is determined by the European Union that they provide an appropriate level of protection.



9. Privacy Policy amendments and upgrading

9.1       By accessing the Software and using the Software the person accepts Privacy Policy and makes a free will statement that he/she is familiar with the provisions of Privacy Policy, gives his/her approval to Mavles to use data for the purpose and in the manner defined and described in Privacy Policy. 

9.2       The person accessing the Software and using the Software is obliged to follow regular updating of Privacy Policy as by accessing the Software and using the Software he/she accepts new provisions of the updated Privacy Policy. The updated and current version of Privacy Policy is always available on web page, as well as in the Software.



10. Access to data

10.1     The person accessing the Software, using the Software and/or accessing web page may at all times require from Mavles to ensure within a reasonable time an insight into and access to information and data. 

10.2     A person my give Mavles a request for insight and access through the e-mail address:

10.3     If a person ceases to access the Software and/or web page, Mavles reserves the right to use data in accordance with Privacy Policy and Positive Regulations for as long as it is necessary for an unimpeded Software operation (e. g. use of data entered by the person in the Software is necessary for the completion of a project underway on which the person ceases to work).

10.4     If a person suspect there is a misuse of data, Mavles may, at the request of that person, temporarily restrict the access to data while an investigation is conducted.

10.5     Information on the status of data relating to certain types of processing may be denied, i. e. provided with restrictions or with a delay to the person they relate to only to an extent and as long as necessary and corresponding to observance of fundamental rights and legitimate interests in a democratic society in order to avoid interference in  official and legally defined collection of information, investigation or procedures and to enable prevention, investigation and detection of offences, persecution of offenders or enforcement of criminal sentences, as well as to protect public security and defense of rights and freedoms of other persons.

10.6     Information on the status of data may be restricted if such restrictions do not violate the essence of fundamental rights and freedoms and if that is a necessary and reasonable measure in a democratic society aimed at protection of national security, defense, public security, prevention, investigation and detection of offences, persecution of criminal offenders or enforcement of criminal sentences, including prevention and protection from threats to public security, protection of important general and public interests, independence of judiciary and court actions, prevention, investigation, detection and persecution for breach of professional ethics, the function of following, surveillance, or exercising regulatory function that is permanently or temporarily linked to execution of official powers, protection of persons who the data relate to or rights or freedoms of other persons, as well as for protection of realization of claims in civil matters.

10.7     By this Agreement Mavles assigns the right to use the Software to a legal person, physical person and/or sole proprietor who/which through their own organizational scheme (which implies devices or sets of devices in which, or at least in one in a set of devices, data are processed by using a computer program) assign the Software to be used by certain persons. If a person whose data are collected is part of such organizational scheme, he/she may give the request for an insight into and access to the data to the person in charge of assignment of the Software (e. g. site administrator, project manager, director in a legal person etc.).

10.8     The person in charge of Software assignment (e. g. site administrator, project manager, director in a legal person etc.) is obliged to provide assistance to the person to whom the data relate in exercising his/her rights, as well as to take appropriate technical, organizational and personnel measures in the provision of information to the person in question in a concise, transparent, comprehensible and easily accessible way, using clear and simple words. Information are provided in written or other form, including electronic form if that is suitable. If the person to who the data relate requires so, information may be provided orally provided the identity of the person is confirmed beyond doubt.   

10.8     Mavles has no influence on data protection systems of the legal person, physical person and/or sole proprietor who/which is assigned the right to use the Software in accordance with the previous paragraph and it is not responsible for data protection or handling.

10.9     The person who is a part of the organizational scheme described in paragraph 10.5 is obliged to inform itself/himself/herself on the data protection system with the legal person, physical person and/or sole proprietor which/who granted him/her the right to use the Software.



11. Contact

11.1     In case the person using the Software or web page notices there is a breach of this Privacy Policy or finds there is a breach of Privacy Policy, he/she may report such breach to e-mail address

11.2     For any inquiry, suggestions and clarifications regarding Privacy Policy and implementation of Privacy Policy, please contact Mavles through e-mail address